Fabien Sanglard
A personal blog by Fabien Sanglard.
Watching sunsets
SNES graphics: 186.2ns or bust!
How the SNES Graphics System works
Carving the Super Nintendo Video System
Inside the Super Nintendo cartridges
The evolution of the Super Nintendo motherboard
The hearts of the Super Nintendo
How the DevTeam conquered the iPhone
Why Android developers no longer need Windows USB drivers
How Apple's Pro Display XDR takes Thunderbolt 3 to its limit
The bash book to rule them all
0x4 reasons to write and publish
Forty years of programming
Exploring Command-line space time
Ode to the M1
mDNS Primer
Commander Keen: Adaptive Tile Scrolling
Good Vibrations
Driving Compilers
The Joy of Computer History Books
All you may need is HTML
A Linux evening...
Books update
The Book Of CP-System, paper version
The Book Of CP-System
The Beautiful Diablo 2 Resurrected machine
USB Cheat Sheet
CPS-1: GFX system internals
Street Fighter 2: Sound System Internals
Street Fighter 2: Subtile accurate animation
Street Fighter 2: Spin when you can't
Street Fighter 2: The World Warrier
Following Street Fighter 2 paper trails
Observing my cellphone switch towers
Game Engine Black Book: DOOM, Korean Edition
The confusing world of USB
The beautiful silent thunderbolt-3 PC
These are called opportunities
Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D, Korean Edition
WHEN 13.3 > 14
Switching to Lenovo Carbon X1
Discret 11, the French TV encryption of the 80's
A tale of Ghosts'n Goblins'n Crocos
Revisiting the postcard pathtracer
0x10 rules
An history of NVidia Stream Multiprocessor
Revisiting the Businesscard Raytracer
The Making Of Stunt Island
The Polygons of DOOM: PSX
The Polygons of Another World: Jaguar
The beautiful machine
The Polygons of Another World: GBA
The Polygons of Another World: SNES
The Polygons of Another World: Genesis
The Polygons of Another World: PC DOC
The Polygons of Another World: Atari ST
The Polygons of Another World: Amiga
The Polygons of Another World
Strike Commander: Interview with Frank Savage
A trip down NBA Jam graphics pipeline
Game Engine Black Book update
The story of the 3dfx Voodoo 1
The story of the Rendition Vérité 1000
How DOOM fire was made
Deciphering the postcard sized raytracer
How the Dreamcast copy protection was defeated
Game Engine Black Book: DOOM
Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D, 2nd Edition
Game Engine Black Book Postmortem
Game Engine Black Book ReleaseDate
Let's compile like it's 1992
Game Engine Black Books
Trespasser: Jurassic Park CG Source Code Review
Git Source Code Review
The Computer Graphics Library
Algorithms and Data structures books: One size doesn't fit them all
Learning Legendary Hardware
Decyphering the Business Card Raytracer
More Doom III BFG Documentation
Doom III BFG Documentation
Second Reality Code Review
Prince Of Persia Code Review
Doom3 BFG Code Review
Reverse Engineer Strike Commander
Duke Nukem 3D Code Review
The best Tech books
Game timers: Issues and solutions
Oculus RIFT development
Quake 3Source Code Review
Doom3 Source Code Review
Cracking Kevin Mitnick's Ghost In Tthe Wires Paperback Edition
Be A Donor
SSD reboot your thinking
Android Shmup
Another World Code Review
Progressive playback: An atom story
How to build Doom3 on Mac OS X with XCode
Quake 2 Source Code Review
Solving Ghost in The Wire codes
Hacker Monthly publication
SHMUP Source Code
Polygon Codec
dEngine Source Code Released
To generate 60fps videos on iOS
To become a good C programmer
All about the fillrate
Tracing the baseband
Doom iPhone code review
Doom engine 1993 code review
Don't learn Assembly on Mac OS X
Apple iPhone Tech Talk 2009 tricks and treats
iPhone 3D engine programming part 1
Armadillo Space T-shirt
Fluid speed issues!
Wolfenstein 3D for iPhone code review
BumpMapping hell