Fetch Quest Journeys
Conversation and creativity inspired by the world's greatest games.
Fragments from the Vault #028: Equinox in the Time of War
Fragments from the Vault #27: The Long Haul
Stories from My Craft IV: Cosmic Swing in Blue
Fragments from the Vault #026: Age of Wonders
Stories from My Craft III: Shipwreck Scrapbook
Flipping the Switch: Edgewater vs. the Deserters in The Outer Worlds (Comes Now the Power)
A Thousand Deaths: A Glorious End in Ghost of Tsushima (The Tale of Lord Shimura)
Theatre of Horrors: Halloween Special
Fragments from the Vault #025: Expedition (The Angler's Promise)
In Memory of Monica Popescu
Last Survivor Standing: Sona's Salvation in Starfield (In Memoriam)
Fragments from the Vault #024: The Wayfarer
Happy New Year from Fetch Quest Journeys
Not In My Name: Taking on Typhon in Life is Strange: True Colors (Flicker)
Fragments from the Vault #023: Interpolation
Secrets of CYAN: Forbidden Knowledge in Horizon Zero Dawn (The Forge of Winter)
Tell 'Em I Sent You: The Trial of Anthony Foreman in Red Dead Redemption 2 (No, No and Thrice, No)
Stories from My Craft II: Rogues & Relics
Good Riddance, My Love: A Frank Farewell from The Last of Us (Bill's Town)
Casting Stones: The Finale of A Plague Tale: Requiem (King Hugo)
Two Rock's Most Wanted: Journey Alone or With Vanessa in As Dusk Falls (Paradise Found)
Fragments from the Vault #022: Children of Limgrave
Stories from My Craft I: Rustic Folk Tales
Fragments from the Vault #021: Elegy for Martinaise
2023: A Year of Change and GDC Showcase
Fragments from the Vault #020: Signal Jammer
Fragments from the Vault #019: Storm Song
Fragments from the Vault #018: The Long Con
Fragments from the Vault #017: Dream Sequence No. 2
Fragments from the Vault #016: The Shepard's Lament (from Song of the Rachni)
Fragments from the Vault #015: Midnight Chambers
Fragments from the Vault #014: Invitation to A Winter's Tale