Indigenous GameDevs
Indigenous Game Devs is an independent and self-determined, grassroots community of Indigenous people working in video game development and academia from around the world.
“Indigenous Culture in Games” by Phoebe Watson
Naphtali Faulkner on Zero To Play
“Indigenous Values in a Virtual Space” with Amelia Winger-Bearskin
“Diverse Stories, Great Games: A Virtual Conversation with the Creators of Never Alone”
Fireside Chat with Kishonna Gray, Maize Longboat, and Micaela Mantegna at RightsCon 2021
“Designing Our Futures: The Skins Workshops and Next-Gen Indigenous Digital Media Makers”
Meagan Byrne on
“Indigenous Game Design of Turtle Island” at PAX 2020
“The Tomorrow That We Dream: A Conversation with Allen Turner”
“Decolonial Practices in Playful Media” with Hexe Fey