Break the Loop
Adam Mirkowski is a game designer who wants to make entertainment that isn’t a waste of time. They pen a blog about how to create games worth your time.
The tutorial is a lie
3 game design lessons from the world's most popular sport
How to write a branching narrative and won’t lose your mind
What do politics and game design have in common?
Is your idea for the game worth making?
Can rewards demotivate players?
Could the game development be a good story to tell?
Don’t make the game for yourself!
How we play and why it matters
Zen, supermarkets and the art of simulator games
Why is a silent protagonist often the best choice for a game?
Creators intentions vs. players' behavior
Why open worlds don't necessarily make us feel autonomous?
Why do people love headshots in video games?
Why does our mind like cards and chips?
Which games will be the next indie hits?
Why do players prefer to fight than help? And how to change it.